Non-Cancerous Surgery

Talking about Non-Cancerous Breast Lump Treatment in Pune. The non-breast cancer or benign breast condition is a type of noncancerous disorders of the breast that can happen to both men and women. Benign is not as serious as breast cancers but they are linked with a higher chance of getting breast cancer later if not treated early. Non-Cancerous Breast Lump Treatment in Pune is done precisely with minimal invasive technique which is an advanced technique of scarless breast surgery by Dr. Shilpy Dolas. The treatment generally takes place from a simple diagnosis of your breast region by getting examined by breast surgeon. It is also done with a help of a mammogram or breast ultrasound technique. After this process, there is also a need for fine-needle aspiration (FNAC) and a breast biopsy. Later on, there comes the part where the surgeons will physically examine the lumps in your breast region and then according to the disorder treatments will take place.

These are three stages of treatment that are:

  1. Fine-needle aspiration
  2. Medication -hormonal or nonhormonal
  3. Surgery.

In fine-needle aspiration, the cystic lumps are sucked out to remove all the liquid from the cyst.

Hormone use is the use of birth control pills and if these procedures fail, there comes the surgery where the surgeon will manually remove the cyst. which is the final treatment

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